2. Develop and Test Views

The VAV_VIEWL system configuration implements the layered View testing architecture for the HVAC example.
The RECORDER and CTRL devices encapsulate the functionality of the human interface (HMI) layer.
The VIEW device encapsulates the functionality of the View layer in two instances of the specialized VIEW_PANEL resource type to provide the necessary layout of View elements for the level control example.
The Variable Air Volume (VAV) view is implemented as an instance of the MECH_VIEW type using the DAMPER style.
An instance of the ZONE_VIEWL type is used to display the parameters and variables of the air-conditioned space.
Inter-layer communication is implemented with the local multicast pattern, e.g., by using PUBL_1/SUBL_1 for linking the room temperature data over the TEMP channel.
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Last updated: 2011-01-19.
©2011 Holobloc Inc.
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0.