DIA : UINT; (* Shaft diameter in pixels *)
    FGD : COLOR := COLOR#blue; (* Shaft body color *)
    BKGD : COLOR := COLOR#white; (* Background color *)
    IX : COLOR := COLOR#red; (* Shaft index color *)
    ARC : UINT := 15; (* Shaft mark width *)
    ANGLE : INT; (* Current shaft angle *)

An instance of this function block type provides a View of the end of a circular shaft with an index mark.
The shaft view shown above was generated with the following parameter values.
Parameter Value Units
DIA 50 pixels
FGD blue --
BKGD white --
IX green --
ARC 15 degrees
ANGLE 90 degrees

The PUMP_VIEW type is implemented as a subclass of this type. See the TANK_VIEWL configuration for an example of the use of an instance of the PUMP_VIEW type.