This system configuration implements the View development step of the process control example for the MVCD engineering methodology. In this configuration, a single Device (TANK_VIEW) contains Resources for both the View (PROCESS) and HMI (LABELS, SLIDERS) elements.

When this system configuration is opened and launched from the process folder of the FBDK, the sliders can be used to to adjust the values of the View elements.

This System configuration uses the Local Multicast design pattern for the communication of data and events among Resources. The FBDK uses the Tagged Data design pattern to ensure consistency of the communicated events and data, as shown in the table below.

Name Type UDP Channel Description
PUMP_POS INT Pump Shaft Position, {-359..359} degrees
TANK_LEVEL UINT Tank Level, {0..100}%
VALVE_POS UINT Valve Position, {0..100}%