MVCD Local
Multicast Proxy Tagged Data Matrix Framework Time-Stamped Messaging MQTT
Messaging Remote Adapter
A design pattern is the formalization of an approach to a common problem
within a context. The adaptation of familiar design patterns to the IEC 61499 architecture
can decrease the time required both for learning and for implementing applications
within this architecture. Corresponding to the definition, this adaptation consists of
three major steps:
- Defining the problem to be solved.
- Defining an appropriate framework for the solution of the problem. In
object-oriented design, a framework is considered to be a skeletal structure that
must be fleshed out to build a complete application. In the IEC 61499 architecture, a
framework will consist of a set of related types including, among others:
- function block types
- data types
- resource types
- device types
- Defining an engineering methodology comprising procedures for using
the types in the framework to:
- Construct appropriate devices and resources;
- Populate the devices and resources with appropriate function blocks;
- Establish appropriate event and data connections among the function
- Appropriately configure the devices, resources, and function blocks;
- Install, commission and operate the developed
configurations in physical devices.
It may be necessary to specify the
requirements for software tools to support the design pattern.